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Brantford Ontario – Local Marketing for Small Businesses

I wanted to point out to you here that because we are local residents of Brantford, we are going to focus fairly heavily on working with local Brantford businesses.

I have already done a few pages relating to Brantford and will be adding a lot more in the future. Please visit this link to get a friendly keyword-analysis page that relates to how searches for what as far as our local city goes.

Click here – Brantford Marketing Agency


Check your online properties performance for free! Add your details here and we will do an audit of your local optimization and your website.

Direct links to all our core agency services

Digital Garden | Online Marketing Agency


Firstly, welcome to my agency website. We hope that we can answer any or all of your online or digital marketing questions right here on this site.

Most of you who would have found me here will be smaller local businesses and very often in search of a simple solution – from a marketing point of view.

I know that 99% of the time you know that you need the services that we offer here, but do not really want to learn how to do it yourself as your business is what uses up all your time.

But, and this is HUGE, how the hell are you supposed to know what specific digital marketing service is the one that you need?

How are you (as a layman) supposed to be able to filter out those who know what they are doing and those who do not?

I have this statement for you – I have been doing SEO and web design and other online marketing things for small businesses, successfully, for close to 14 years. I know what I am doing and know what to do for your specific business to get you better rankings and more sales.

That is all you want, right? more sales!

So, this is what I suggest you do. The quickest way is to scroll back to the top and fill in that form and let me get started with an audit of all your online properties. This is a one-time free service. The other way would be for you to open as many pages of my site as you need to see how I think and for you to make a preliminary judgement of if you feel that we could help your business with that magic thing – More sales.



Website Design Agency

Mobile App Marketing

Digital Marketing

Branding Agency

Social Media Marketing

SEO | Search Engine Optimization

Local Business Marketing | GMB

Small Business Marketing | Brantford

Answers to Your Questions

What is an SEO expert?

A specialist with current skills in manipulating all your online properties aimed at getting your business maximum exposure to buyers online. Rankings, eyeballs, comments, clicks, and buyers.

What makes you different from all the other “SEO” experts?

Firstly, there are “experts” and then there are experts.

This is a terrifyingly real problem.

We know which one we are, you will need to communicate with us to decide which one we are.

Jokes aside, This is essentially a one-man business. I take openness and honesty to a silly level and believe it is important.

I do outsource some of the tasks – especially when those outsourcers can do it far better than I can. Honesty, remember.

I am friendly and always overdeliver.

I also limit how much work I take on. This might be a single big-budget client or a few smaller budget clients. I like to keep things manageable and focused. One task at a time.

I also have 2 other businesses, I do apps for businesses (actually that falls under this SEO thing too) and have a hobby business where I do art and make cottage signs.

Is this going to be very expensive?

Yes and no.

You see until we know what your needs are we cannot put a price on that specific service or task.

Plus you could save costs by doing a lot of the work yourself, or save your time and pay us to do the work.

Let me put it this way.

It might only need a single free advice meeting, or it might be just a single $80 thing, or it might be $5000 a month for a year.

More than likely it will be somewhere in between that.

Until we chat about it, in relation to your website and online properties we will not know.

Call us.

What happens if I have no online presence at all?

This can be a very good thing.

I will then show you step by step what you need to do to get all your online ducks in a row to start your business off in the best possible way online.

Doing things right from the beginning is often far easier than fixing years of bad mistakes.

Again, all I can say is Call Me.

Until we have chatted about your needs you will not have a clear view of where to go next.

What makes you different from all the other “SEO” experts?

Firstly, there are “experts” and then there are experts.

This is a terrifyingly real problem.

We know which one we are, you will need to communicate with us to decide which one we are.

Jokes aside, This is essentially a one-man business. I take openness and honesty to a silly level and believe it is important.

I do outsource some of the tasks – especially when those outsourcers can do it far better than I can. Honesty, remember.

I am friendly and always overdeliver.

I also limit how much work I take on. This might be a single big-budget client or a few smaller budget clients. I like to keep things manageable and focused. One task at a time.

I also have 2 other businesses, I do apps for businesses (actually that falls under this SEO thing too) and have a hobby business where I do art and make cottage signs.

There seems to be so much conflicting information online, how can I feel safe in the marketing (SEO) route I choose?

I agree that there are massive numbers of liars, scammers, and simply stupid inexperienced people out there all telling you what you should and shouldn’t do.

It is my job to read their pages, watch their videos, and test their latest methods. One by one, and I have been doing that for 14 years online.

Expecting you to pick the safe and reliable path after watching 12 Youtube videos is in no way realistic.

I buy the courses, I test the software, I discuss it with my peers, I join the best FB groups, and more, all for the sole purpose of keeping up with the latest and best ways to rank online properties well.

There seems to be so much conflicting information online, how can I feel safe in the marketing (SEO) route I choose?

I agree that there are massive numbers of liars, scammers, and simply stupid inexperienced people out there all telling you what you should and shouldn’t do.

It is my job to read their pages, watch their videos, and test their latest methods. One by one, and I have been doing that for 14 years online.

Expecting you to pick the safe and reliable path after watching 12 Youtube videos is in no way realistic.

I buy the courses, I test the software, I discuss it with my peers, I join the best FB groups, and more, all for the sole purpose of keeping up with the latest and best ways to rank online properties well.