About Robert Bruce Anderson
I understand that what you find out here on this page is important. I hope to give you enough information to help you decide on what to do next.
You need to get to know me well enough to trust me to work on your online properties. Plus you also need to know that I know how important that is to you.
You also need to know how I work and what I am capable of doing for your business so that we start off on the right footing and are a good fit.
ANNOUNCEMENT – I am a one-man agency and I am currently at full capacity and not taking on any new clients. Thank you for understanding
Rob Anderson and Digital Garden
My core experience is extensive and is related to organic SEO and online marketing.
In the 16 or so years I have been online I have built at least 300 websites.
I have done a lot of SEO for clients and social media marketing.
I get a really big thrill in using my own websites to test the limits of new ideas, both good and bad. This ends up being a big benefit for my client websites as I therefore already know something will work if I apply it to their websites or online properties.
I stay right in front of the latest trends and ideas online.
I am stupid-honest. This is a good thing because I will always keep you updated with the good and the bad.
I have a bad habit of overdelivering. I know you will like this, but my wife, not so much.
The bottom line is simple – I know what I am doing online, I know that I can help your business get more leads. You need more sales or orders, I would love to get your money. We both win.
I love my newly adopted country (Canada) and wish I had come here sooner.
I hope I have given you enough info on this about me page.