About Robert Bruce Anderson
Right! You came here to see what I am all about. I like that—and welcome.
Let me start by saying this: This website is about metamorphosis.
I have been doing online marketing since 2008. I want to start by thanking the US economy for crashing spectacularly causing my art business to ride blindly over a massive speedbump and cause me to start online marketing.
Then it might be necessary to also thank my ADHD for taking me along on an interesting ride for the last 16 years. I never knew it then, but I found out that I am incapable of just doing one thing at a time. With that said this might be the 40th website I owned. Of all the others some have survived many complete changes to the content or intent of that website.
This one started off as my second digital marketing agency. You know, websites, SEO, social media marketing bla bla.
I am not going to tell you all about how and why I change things so often, but simply want to say that this website is going to be my new play thing.
I would like to use it to keep, list, create and share all my thoughts. Random silly ones, and also brilliant insightful methods on how to make more money online, or tips on keyword research – or whatever.